Maintaince of Body Weight


The vision of your transformed body is so strong that yearning and desire are converted into action. After some research, you find a low-fat/low calorie nutrition plan that is all the rage and seems doable. You join the YMCA and you have a treadmill set up and ready to go in your garage. The strategy is simple: eat ever smaller amounts of low-fat food and perform more and more cardio exercise as the date draws closer. This is the classical mainstream prescription for losing weight: cut calories, increase “exercise” i.e. cardio training.

The main dietary emphasis is placed on lowering calories and this starts by eliminating as much saturated fat as possible from the diet. At 9 calories per gram, LCTs, long-chain triglycerides (as opposed to SCTs or MCTs) are twice as dense as protein or carbohydrate at 4 calories per gram. You can eat twice the volume of protein or carb for the same caloric cost.

The other part of the mainstream weight-loss prescription is to systematically increase exercise. The far and away favored form of exercise (favored by the mainstream) is frequent, long duration, moderate intensity cardiovascular exercise, aerobics, done daily and sometimes twice a day.

The Energy Balance Equation requires followers to determine how many calories a day are needed to maintain hemostasis. By way of example, if the current number of calories needed to maintain current bodyweight is 3,000 calories, the solution would start by switching out high calorie saturated fat with 4-calorie per gram Lite or Low-Fat carbohydrate foods. Theoretically, if a person reduces daily calories, cutting back 500-calories per day, every seven days, 3,500 calories are saved, the caloric equivalent of 1-pound of body fat.

Psychologically, the goal, the payoff, the motivation, is stronger than the urge to binge or quit. Willpower is the ability to force ourselves to do things we don’t want to do. No one needs willpower to do fun stuff, cool stuff; no one needs willpower to eat delicious food or body surf in Hawaii. Willpower is used to voluntarily starve; willpower is used to push through hateful, boring workouts. Willpower is used to drag ourselves across the finish line.

Angelina Matthew,

Journal Coordinator,

Global Journal of Agricultural Economics and Econometrics
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